
we need You !

Without the 150 volunteers helping every year, the Climbing World Cup can’t happen. 

Inhabitants of Chamonix or enthusiasts from all over France, they are fully committed to make it a success. 

If you want to join our volunteers family, we would be very pleased to welcome you, your smiles and your motivation in order to make this World Cup an unforgettable event. 

Every year, 150 volunteers work together to set up the event
and make the competition a success.

Volunteer endowment : Each volunteer will be offered the official Climbing World Cup T-shirt and a cap.

the missions

securing – hospitality

You have to insure the climbers during the speed and lead competitions.
We recommend that you bring your harness.

At the entrance of the climbing wall, you make sure that the climbers are in the correct order of passage before they access the climbing walls.

Your mission is to pick up the climbers’ belongings and bring them from the wall to the changing rooms. 
You also have to make sure that the climbers don’t look at the wall after the route reading.

During the event, the public is encouraged to try boulder climbing. You are in charge of controling the flows on the boulder. There must not be too many people at the same time, climbers must take turns every 10mn.

The athletes warm up at the gym.
Your mission is to check the entries and exits of the climbers and the teams.
Nobody else is allowed to enter the gym.
It is necessary to speak english for this mission.

refreshment – catering

All benefits go to the Climbing section of the Club des Sports de Chamonix.
Your mission is to sell drinks and food to the spectators.

You help with the catering of the VIP area for the World Cup.

Logistics – Filtering

You control that only authorised people enter some specific areas.

Two days before the event, you help with the setting up of the installations.
On Sunday and Monday, you help disassembling the infrastructures.